Monday, February 24, 2014

Studying for Cisco’s Routing and Switching CCIE Track

Routing and Switching is considered as the most popular of all Cisco’s 8 CCIE certification tracks. This exam tests the skills and certifies network engineers as experts in planning, operating and troubleshooting complex, converged network infrastructure. Some of the topics covered by the exam include LAN, WAN, Ethernet and TCP/IP, OSPF as well as BGP, IPv6 among others. The test is divided into two parts. The written exam lasts for two hours and can be taken online or at accredited partner testing centers with results available immediately. The lab exam, however, is hands-on and can only be taken at one of Cisco’s several lab testing centers worldwide. The lab exam takes up most of the day and the results are revealed within 48 hours of testing.

Study Options for the CCIE Routing and Switching Written and Lab Exams

It’s not hard to find good learning materials for the Routing and Switching track. Being the most popular of the 8 tracks, self-study materials and CCIE boot camp lessons are available through various accredited training vendors. The cost of these learning materials and training sessions varies depending on the packages these vendors offer to interested candidates.
·         Self-study bundles often include audio and video learning aids, as well as printed learning materials, workbooks and other tools that can be useful in maximizing a candidate’s study time in order to thoroughly prepare for the exam. Rack rentals are also available through various vendors and providers for those who wish to log lab training hours without having to set up their own home rack. Purchasing self-study materials, combined with hours of rack rentals, provides candidates with enough learning aids that they can use at their own pace.

·         CCIE boot camps and classroom sessions give candidates a more comprehensive look at what is in store for them in the exams. Candidates who take these classroom lessons are designed to challenge them to ensure absolute readiness for the CCIE exam. Aside from discussing the content of the exams, candidates are also taught test-taking techniques that would help them get through the exam. Hands-on training is also provided for with this type of training; however, candidates may still opt to practice with a home rack or a rack rental on their own in order to prepare for the lab exam.

·         Some vendors offer candidates the best of both worlds by offering a combination bundle wherein candidates can study at their own pace and attend classroom lessons in order to prepare for both the written and lab exams.

·         Getting ready for a certification exam such as the CCIE is something candidates should take very seriously. Once you have been certified, you are considered an expert in your chosen track and can spell the difference between a flourishing career and staying at the same pay grade despite years of hands-on experience. This is why candidates often begin preparing for the exam 6 months to a year before the scheduled exam. When choosing study methods, candidates should consider their existing knowledge on the topics covered, their budget, and the time they can allot for studying before signing up for classroom lessons or purchasing study materials. Candidates should maximize all the resources available to them in order to get favorable results when they take the CCIE Routing and Switching certification exam.

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