As tempting as it might be to buy a new TV when something goes wrong with your current flat screen set, it might be a good idea to check if this is really necessary.
More often than not, a flat screen TV is repairable and the fault can be a simple one. It might also only cost you a few hundred pounds, as opposed to a couple of thousand pounds spent on a new screen.
There are a few things in life that are worth repairing – your flat screen television is one of them. After all, you’ve invested a lot of money in your TV repair, and it’s probably given you a few years of quality TV viewing. More than likely, it’s the centre piece to your living room.
Why then, spend astronomical amounts of money on a new purchase, when you might be able to repair your current unit?
Firstly, when deciding to repair your television, take a look at the warranty of the unit to find out exactly what is covered. You might be able to save a lot of money and not have to pay anything if your unit is still well under warranty.
Problems with the television display are the most common problems that TV owners face when deciding on repairing or replacing their set. A regular flat panel LCD screen for example, is designed to last up to 40 000 hours of TV viewing time. That amounts to roughly 20 years viewing for the average person. That’s a long time.
However, nowadays TV viewing has increased with more and more people using their TVs to play games. Specifically, the interactive games that make use of Wii or Kinetic consoles. This could decrease the overall hours or years that these screens were originally designed for – for television viewing alone. Therefore, we suggest that before you go out shopping for a new flat screen TV, ask yourself the following questions:
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