Monday, January 7, 2013

Basic plasma TV principle behind a sustainable energy source

The energy efficient technologies are improving with quite a speed. The need of energy savings and low cost consuming devices has stepped on to the plasma televisions. It is already known that plasma TV`s are one of the biggest energy consumers compared to all other electric powered devices. Lately the green tendency is to replace them with LCD and LED monitors and screens. This is still not so effective measure, in case we want to get rid of devices that easily can be named energy monsters. The recent news for the plasma technologies is good. According to the team of researchers at the University of Orleans in France there is a method, which will save the energy consummation of the plasma televisions. The process, which lights up the plasma TV monitors, is able to help in producing ultra-clean fuels.
The French team revealed a hidden Television application that is able to create a clean fuel. One of the researchers, professor Czernichowski invented a small and very effective device called GlidArc. It is a reactor with unusual ability. The GlidArc is maintained by the electrically-charged clouds of the plasmas and generate fuels from their wastage. The device has a revolutionary work process. It uses the gasification process in order to clean the biomass into CO2, as well as hydrogen gas, which can be transformed into bio- fuel. This practically means that even the wastage of the cooking oil or corn leaves could be turned into a raw material for contributing to GlidArc bio fuels.
The research team also announced that the building of GlidArc reactor isn’t even difficult and the total price of it is nearly $ 10 000. The smart device could be installed in a several days. The innovative reactor was presented at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society and it was defined as a step for greener future.

Read more here.

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